de familie van Jan Pol
Ruurd Franses Roorda
Ruurd Franses Roorda [f-pp], geboren in 1180 vermoedelijk te Oosterbierum, overleden in 1228 te Jeruzalem [Isr].

Ruurd Franses Roorda [f-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:

Goffe Ruurds Roorda
Goffe Ruurds Roorda [v-pp], geboren in 1085 te Berlikum, overleden in 1141 te Spannum.

Goffe Ruurds Roorda [v-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Goffe, partook in 2 Crusades. In the First crusade (1095-99) Goffe with some other Friesian nobles helped Godfrey of Bouillon capture of Jerusalem on July 15, 1099. Godfrey then established the Kingdom of Jerusalem, though he never styled himself asa second and less successful wave of crusaders which is considered and adjunct of the first crusade. This time he helped Godfrey's brother Baldwin I the first king of Jerusalem (Godfrey had died in 1100)||I don't know if the following had it's origin with this Goffe but I found a saying in two languages: Mei Gemach, sei Goffe Roorda, in krygge ien Fuwst yn't Each. from West Friesland. With ease, said Goffe Roorda, and got a fist in his eye.||Goffe Ruurts Roorda, geboren rond 1080, wonende te Berlikum en te Spannum, overleden in het jaar 1141. Hij trekt tweemaal ter kruistocht. Eerst in 1096 waar hij met enige Friese edelen Godfried van Bouillon hielp Jeruzalem in te nemen. Ten tweede male in 1101, waar hij Godfried's broer, koning Boudewijn, ten dienste was. Hij was gehuwd met Claer Fredericksdr van Adelen, geboren rond 1090. Uit dit huwelijk: |- Godtfriedt Goffes Roorda, geboren rond 1120, overleden na 1180, begraven te klooster Lidlum. |- Frans Goffes Roorda ook genaamd de Oude, geboren rond 1130 (bron:!info)


Claer Fredericks van Adelen [v-pp], dochter van Frederick van Adelen [v-pp], geboren in 1090, overleden in 1180 te Oosterbierum.

Claer Fredericks van Adelen [v-pp].
--» Haar geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:

Uit deze relatie:

Godfriedth Goffes*1120 Oosterbierum †1180 Oosterbierum 60
Frans Goffes*1130 Oosterbierum †1200 Oosterbierum 70

Claer Fredericks van Adelen
Claer Fredericks van Adelen [v-pp], geboren in 1090, overleden in 1180 te Oosterbierum.

Claer Fredericks van Adelen [v-pp].
--» Haar geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:


Goffe Ruurds Roorda [v-pp], zoon van Ruurt Haringhs Roorda [v-pp] en Ansck Joannama [v-pp], geboren in 1085 te Berlikum, overleden in 1141 te Spannum.

Goffe Ruurds Roorda [v-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Goffe, partook in 2 Crusades. In the First crusade (1095-99) Goffe with some other Friesian nobles helped Godfrey of Bouillon capture of Jerusalem on July 15, 1099. Godfrey then established the Kingdom of Jerusalem, though he never styled himself asa second and less successful wave of crusaders which is considered and adjunct of the first crusade. This time he helped Godfrey's brother Baldwin I the first king of Jerusalem (Godfrey had died in 1100)||I don't know if the following had it's origin with this Goffe but I found a saying in two languages: Mei Gemach, sei Goffe Roorda, in krygge ien Fuwst yn't Each. from West Friesland. With ease, said Goffe Roorda, and got a fist in his eye.||Goffe Ruurts Roorda, geboren rond 1080, wonende te Berlikum en te Spannum, overleden in het jaar 1141. Hij trekt tweemaal ter kruistocht. Eerst in 1096 waar hij met enige Friese edelen Godfried van Bouillon hielp Jeruzalem in te nemen. Ten tweede male in 1101, waar hij Godfried's broer, koning Boudewijn, ten dienste was. Hij was gehuwd met Claer Fredericksdr van Adelen, geboren rond 1090. Uit dit huwelijk: |- Godtfriedt Goffes Roorda, geboren rond 1120, overleden na 1180, begraven te klooster Lidlum. |- Frans Goffes Roorda ook genaamd de Oude, geboren rond 1130 (bron:!info)

Uit deze relatie:

Godfriedth Goffes*1120 Oosterbierum †1180 Oosterbierum 60
Frans Goffes*1130 Oosterbierum †1200 Oosterbierum 70

Godfriedth Goffes Roorda
Godfriedth Goffes Roorda [f-pp], geboren in 1120 vermoedelijk te Oosterbierum, overleden in 1180 te Oosterbierum.

Godfriedth Goffes Roorda [f-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum en overlijdensdatum komen van Jan Jellema (bron:

Frederick van Adelen
Frederick van Adelen [v-pp], geboren in 1065, overleden na 1090.

Frederick van Adelen [v-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Zijn dochter Claer wordt geboren te 1090.
--» The Noble Family van Adelen descended from King Adgillus II of Friesland via his daughter Conovella who married Adelbrigus, a noble from Sexbierum, one of their sons was the progenitor of the family van Adelen. Another son, Frederik van Adelen was the 8th bisop of Utrecht. Adelbrigus is probably the father of with Adelbrik Adelen, third potestate of Friesland, whe defeated the Normans and also a Swedish duke in a battle near Kollum.||Datewise this seems quite impossible, however an A. van Adelenc is known to have married a Cronovella, daughter of Adgillus III. I believe that A. van Adelenc and Adelbrigus are the same and that Conovella and Cronovella are the same person mistakenly thought to be the daughter of Adgillus II instead of Adgillus III. In the ancient genealogy I have recorded it as such.||Bishop Frederik (c 780 Sexbierum - 834/38) was bishop from 815/16 untill he was murdered. According to the Roman Carholic church that was in 834, historians think it was 838. At a young age he studied for the priesthood and was a pupil of bishop Ricfried, who ordained him after his studies were completed. He was chosen to convert the heathens and preached in Walcheren and, with Saint Odulphus, in and around Stavoren.||Bishop Frederik is also known to have written a Life of Saint Boniface||The story sprung up that the empress Judith had him murdered because he critized her wanton lifestyle, however that seems improbable since nothing wanton is known about her. Others think the people of Walcheren had him murdeed because of his attempts to Christianize them, this is more likely since they were known to be fiercely opposed to Christianity.||He was declared a Saint after his death and he seems to be effective against deafness. (though I am not certain it's physical or spiritual deafness, perhaps both). His feast day is July 18th. He was burried in the Sint Salvator church in Utrecht (Saint Saviour).||He was followed as bishop by his brother Alberik, this may well be Adelbrik referred to abov, in those days many bishops and priests were married and a family.||The van Adelen family died out in the 18th century in the male line. A legend states that when Adelbrigus married Conovella he received much land and that her brother made it a condition that the name van Adelen (adel is Dutch for noble) must be the name of their descendants. More likely the name was an adaption of Adelbrigus' first name.||*If I could find the lost links then Adgillus III would be my 38th great-grandfather by this line and Radboud the Great my 41st* (bron:

een dochter:

Claer Fredericks*1090  †1180 Oosterbierum 90