de familie van Jan Pol
Goffe Sickes van Sjaerda
Goffe Sickes van Sjaerda [f-pp], geboren in 1367 te Franeker.

Goffe Sickes van Sjaerda [f-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:

Frans Goffes Roorda
Frans Goffes Roorda [v-pp], geboren in 1300 te Tzummarum, overleden na 1330 vermoedelijk te Tzummarum.

Frans Goffes Roorda [v-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Zijn dochter Catharina wordt geboren te 1330.
--» The Roorda, or Roordama, family was reasonably well documented from here down, however the ancestry from here up was problematical for a long time. Frans Goffes children were were attributed in sources to Frans Goffes great-great grandfather also named Frans Goffes. Trying to in the family in with the history described seemed a real obstacle.||I finally found a web site where someone had gone to the trouble of making a probable line of descend from great-great grandfather Frans Goffes to this Frans Goffes.||The persons are real but absolute proof will probably never be found.||The earlier Roorda's are well documented and their exploit's in battle and participation in the crusades and so on are well known. that they descended from the old kings of Friesland seems certain if only because ancient kings would mary their daughters to their powerfull nobles, this strenghthened the bond between the kings and those who coiuld dethrone him. Women were political chess pieces.||With the descend from the van Adelen family we have one more link to the kings of old.||After the earliest Roorda's the family split into three branches: The main branch is known as Roorda from Tzumarrum and Cubaard, a second branch as Roorda of Genum, a third was Roorda of the Bar this probably referred to a bar in their coat of arms signifying they were descended from an illigitimate union. We descend through the Tzumarrum branch.||The fifth crusade, called by pope Innocentius III in 1215 saw 2 Roordas in action: One is only remembered in history as Roorda van Genum the other, a brother as Johan Roorda van Genum. when they arrived in the Holy Land a Saracean prionce of enormous size stepped between the two armies and dared anyone to single combat. (sort of a repeat of David and Goliath). Roorda van Genum accepted the challenge and defeated the pince, cutting off his head and bringing it back to the army. For this feat he was knighted on the spot and the roorda van Genum brancj was allowed to place a Moor's head on their coat of arms, which they did for centuries.||Of course our descend from the family is far back and it would take too long to put all the Roorda descendants in this genealogy. Various Roordas from all branches held importnt positions in Friesland and further afield. A number signed the declaration of nobles at the time of the dutch fight for independance from Spain. Among them Karel van Rooda, from the Tzumarrum branch, a statesman who fought for a return of the Friesian Freedom which had been lost in the 1490's.||Another Karel was the owner of the Roorda Codex, a law book that written sometime around the year 1500. Karel was grietman of Idaarderadeel around 1650. It's possible that an ancestor actually wrote the book which details the laws and legal procedures of Frisland prior to it's loss of independance. Karel gave, or sold, the book to a historian and it eventually would up in the hands of a German, (von Richthofen) who wrote a series of articles abut it in the late 19th century. In 1922 it was purchased by the Archives of Friesland where it can be seen today. (bron:

3 kinderen:

Johan Franses*1325 Tzummarum    
Ruurt Franses*1330 Tzummarum †1370 Tzummarum 40
Catharina Franses (Trijn)*1330 Tzummarum †1418 Franeker 88

Johan Franses Roorda
Johan Franses Roorda [f-pp], geboren in 1325 te Tzummarum.

Johan Franses Roorda [f-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:

Ruurt Franses Roorda
Ruurt Franses Roorda [f-pp], geboren in 1330 te Tzummarum, overleden na 1370 vermoedelijk te Tzummarum.

Ruurt Franses Roorda [f-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Zijn zoon Goffe wordt geboren te 1370

Goffe Franses Roorda
Goffe Franses Roorda [v-pp], geboren in 1270 vermoedelijk te Tzummarum, overleden na 1300 vermoedelijk te Tzummarum.

Goffe Franses Roorda [v-pp].
--» Zijn geboortedatum komt van Jan Jellema (bron:
--» Zijn zoon Frans wordt geboren te 1300

een zoon:

Frans Goffes*1300 Tzummarum †1330 Tzummarum 30